List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1032 A research framework for traditional fisheries. fisheries fishermen standard of living research traditional fisheries

Smith, I.R.

book iclarm studies and reviews no.2

2671 A resource book on enhancing access of the poor to land and common property resources. agrarian reform land rights property rights common property rights poverty reduction land reforms women book

2599 A review of animal health research opportunities in Nusa Tenggara Timur and Nusa Tenggara Barat provinces, eastern Indonesia. animal health goats sheep Rusa deer pigs poultry cattle buffalo horses

Christie, Bruce M.

book aciar technical reports no. 65

2920 A review of build-operate-transfer for infrastructure development. infrastructure laws risk mitigation contracts regulations

Llanto, Gilberto M.


231 A review of food research in Vietnam, with emphasis on postharvest losses Vietnam agricultural production technology transfer agribusiness postharvest productivity

My-Yen Lam

book aciar technical reports no.26

16122 A review of issues and challenges in climate change and agriculture in Southeast Asia regional cooperation; sustainable development; food security; climate change; Southeast Asia

Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES); Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA)


15455 A review of new plant breeding techniques (NBTs) from the viewpoint of regulation plant breeding techniques; regulatory framework; Philippine laws; international agreements; biosafety guidelines; local ordinances; regulations; GMO; NBT regulation; biotechnology; new plant breeding techniques

Ordonio, Reynante L.; Baranda, Edmund Jason G.; Benavides II, Paz J.; Villareal, Ruben L.


16634 A review of public expenditures for nutrition in national government agencies of the Philippines (2017-2019) stunting; nutrition; expenditure; budget execution; PhilHealth; DOH; Philippines

Uy, Jhanna; Lechuga, Julienne; Ulep, Valerie Gilbert T.

book research paper series no. 2023-04

3152 A review of social enterprise activity in the Philippines. social enterprise legislation

Darko, Emily; Quijano, Theresa


541 A review of the agricultural research system in the Republic of Iraq Research Government research Management Organization of research Public research Research policies Iraq book country review report no. r54