ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1032 | A research framework for traditional fisheries. | fisheries fishermen standard of living research traditional fisheries | Smith, I.R. |
book | iclarm studies and reviews no.2 |
2671 | A resource book on enhancing access of the poor to land and common property resources. | agrarian reform land rights property rights common property rights poverty reduction land reforms women | book |
2599 | A review of animal health research opportunities in Nusa Tenggara Timur and Nusa Tenggara Barat provinces, eastern Indonesia. | animal health goats sheep Rusa deer pigs poultry cattle buffalo horses | Christie, Bruce M. |
book | aciar technical reports no. 65 |
2920 | A review of build-operate-transfer for infrastructure development. | infrastructure laws risk mitigation contracts regulations | Llanto, Gilberto M. |
book |
231 | A review of food research in Vietnam, with emphasis on postharvest losses | Vietnam agricultural production technology transfer agribusiness postharvest productivity | My-Yen Lam |
book | aciar technical reports no.26 |
16122 | A review of issues and challenges in climate change and agriculture in Southeast Asia | regional cooperation; sustainable development; food security; climate change; Southeast Asia | Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES); Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) |
book |
15455 | A review of new plant breeding techniques (NBTs) from the viewpoint of regulation | plant breeding techniques; regulatory framework; Philippine laws; international agreements; biosafety guidelines; local ordinances; regulations; GMO; NBT regulation; biotechnology; new plant breeding techniques | Ordonio, Reynante L.; Baranda, Edmund Jason G.; Benavides II, Paz J.; Villareal, Ruben L. |
book |
16634 | A review of public expenditures for nutrition in national government agencies of the Philippines (2017-2019) | stunting; nutrition; expenditure; budget execution; PhilHealth; DOH; Philippines | Uy, Jhanna; Lechuga, Julienne; Ulep, Valerie Gilbert T. |
book | research paper series no. 2023-04 |
3152 | A review of social enterprise activity in the Philippines. | social enterprise legislation | Darko, Emily; Quijano, Theresa |
book |
541 | A review of the agricultural research system in the Republic of Iraq | Research Government research Management Organization of research Public research Research policies Iraq | book | country review report no. r54 |