List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
524 A study of legislative measures designed to facilitate access to education and of the role of the village school in the development of rural areas Education Rural areas Rural development

Gagni, A.O.


1627 A study of rice productivity and rural society in three Thai villages. Land ownership landlord-tenant relationship high-yielding varieties fertilizers pesticide rural development water management rice production policies irrigation system

Fujimoto, A.; Matsuda, T. (eds.)


685 A study of the research and development efforts concerning grain after harvest in the ASEAN region Malaysia Singapore Thailand Philippines ASEAN Grain postproduction postharvest technology

Manilay, A.A.; Naewbanij, J.O. (eds.)


486 A textbook of soil chemical analysis soil analysis soil reaction lime pH values potassium sodium nitrogen carbon organic matter phosphorus sulphur iron aluminum manganese silicon titanium sesquioxides oxidation waterlogged soils

Hesse, P.R.


2006 A tree for all reasons : The introduction and evaluation of multipurpose trees for agroforestry. The introduction and evaluation of multipurpose trees for agroforestry. agroforestry multipurpose trees land use tree establishment genetic evaluation seed collection seed storage seed testing nursery practice

Wood, P.J.; Burley, J.


13134 A viable future: Attracting the youth to agriculture youth; rural areas; agriculture; farming; government

Jagat, Basnet


1616 A visual guide to nutritional disorders of tropical timber species : Swietenia macrophylla and Cedrela odorata. nutritional disorders nitrogen deficiency phosphorus deficiency potassium deficiency calcium magnesium sulphur iron manganese boron

Webb, M.J.; Reddell, P.; Grundon, N.J.

book aciar monograph no.61

2402 A watershed in global governance? An independent assessment of the world commission on dams.

Dubash, Navroz K.; Dupar, Mairi; Kothari, Smitu; Lissu, Tundu


252 Abaca. abaca Musa textiles cost and returns demand and supply price trend production trend marketing practices foreign trade Philippines

De Castro, N.L.; PCARRD; Sardido, M.L.; Alino, J.B. Jr.; Deomampo, N.R.

book commodity industry analysis series no.2

15781 Abstract Proceedings of the 4th RSAA Conference: Food Security, Climate Change, and Poverty Reduction food security, climate change; abstracts; poverty reduction; RSAA book