List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15742 Agribusiness and the rural-urban interface rural urban; agribusiness; agro-industrial development

Manalili, Nerlita M.


15737 Agribusiness competitiveness and sustainability competitiveness; sustainability; globalization; agribusiness

Bacani, Senen C.; Manalili, Nerlita M.; Sajise, Percy E.


14022 Agribusiness: Pathways to prosperity agricultural productivity; agricultural industries; economic aspects; agribusiness competitiveness; statistics; hunger; export; poverty; rice market; supply diversification; farm tourism; bananas; coconut; vegetables; high value crops; mining; Asia

Dy, Rolando T.


649 Agricultural and irrigation patterns in the Central Plain of Thailand: Preliminary analysis and prospects for agricultural research and development irrigation flood rice agricultural diversification cropping systems farming systems zoning remote sensing GIS migration book

3048 Agricultural biotechnology (A lot more than just GM crops). biotechnology tissue culture micropropagation molecular breeding genetic engineering GM crops food safety environmental issues book

2794 Agricultural biotechnology (A lot more than just GM crops). biotechnology tissue culture micropropagation molecular breeding genetic engineering GM crops food safety environmental issues book

1298 Agricultural biotechnology and the poor : Proceedings of an International Conference, Washington, D.C., 21-22 October 1999. Proceedings of an International Conference, Washington, D.C., 21-22 October 1999. biotechnology biodiversity genetically modified crops health risks intellectual property rights

Persley, G.J.; Lantin, M.M. (eds.)


530 Agricultural biotechnology in developing countries: a cross-country review Biotechnology Organization of research Research Research policies China Colombia Egypt India Indonesia Kenya Malaysia Philippines Thailand Zimbabwe

Komen, J.; Persley, G.

book isnar research report 2

496 Agricultural biotechnology: priorities and policies in the Philippine setting biotechnology policies agricultural development biosafety regulations intellectual property rights

De Guzman, P.G.; Navarro, M.J.; Chupungco, A.R.; Cabanilla, L.S.; Rola, A.C.


156 Agricultural compendium for rural development in the tropics and subtropics. climate soil classification land classification dew wind temperature geodesy water control hydrometry irrigation saline alkali soils soil fertility

Ilaco, B.V. (ed.)
