List of Books : 3864

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2021 Agricultural trade and food security. food trade system food security import sustainability smallholder production trade expansion maize market

Watkins, Kevin


2750 Agricultural trade in the Greater Mekong Sub-region: Synthesis of the case studies on cassava and rubber production and trade in GMS countries. cassava rubber production trade book cdri working paper series no. 46

2747 Agricultural trade in the Greater Mekong Sub-region: The case of cassava and rubber in Cambodia. cassava production cultivation trade rubber products Cambodia

Vutha, Hing; Vathana, Thun

book cdri working paper series no. 43

219 Agricultural trade policy in Asia. Indonesia Philippines Thailand trade policies agricultural trade policies trade book

271 Agricultural water management technology in Asia and the Pacific. water management irrigation management irrigation facilities investments technologies Indonesia Malaysia Philippines book

503 Agriculture and energy crop production energy use irrigation tillages fertilizers plant nutrients livestock production energy sources developing countries policy

Lockeretz, William (ed.)


590 Agriculture and resources research manpower development in South and Southeast Asia research systems training needs manpower development book

13137 Agriculture guide 2016 agriculture; agriculture production sites; agriculture products; government rules and regulations; foreign investments book

213 Agriculture in the GATT: an analysis of alternative approaches to reform Agriculture GATT Trade policies tariffs import restrictions

Zietz, J.; Valdes, A.

book ifpri research report no.70

15545 Agriculture policy and institutional reforms in Lao-PDR: Experiences, impacts, and lessons value chain; food security; policies; agriculture; Lao PDR

Bounthong Bouahom; Dethsackda Manikham

book southeast asian agriculture and development primer series, 2nd edition