List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3060 Ang pag-aalaga ng alimango. crabs production polyculture feeding diseases book information bulletin no. 54/2015

2815 Animal biosecurity in the Mekong: Future directions for research and development : Proceedings of an international workshop held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, 10-13 August 2010. Proceedings of an international workshop held in Siem Reap, Cambodia, 10-13 August 2010. avian influenza infectious diseases livestock livestock trading foot-and-mouth disease veterinary services animal health communication indigenous practices risk management disease control

Adams, L.B.; Gray, G.D.; Murray, G. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 137

966 Animal feed resources in Asia and the Pacific agro-industrial by-products feed resources animal feeds policies utilization feed industry economic analysis book

276 Animal production and rural development : Proceedings of the 6th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Volume 1 Proceedings of the 6th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Volume 1 Thailand animal production rural development animal genetic resources women livestock development Asia Southeast Asia

Pakapun Bunyavejchewin; Sattarat Sangdid; Kanokwan Hangsanet (eds.)


997 Animal quarantine in Asia and the Pacific : Report of an APO seminar held in Tokyo, Japan, November 10-20, 1992. Report of an APO seminar held in Tokyo, Japan, November 10-20, 1992. livestock disease control domestic animals animals quarantine livestock industry animal quarantine meat products international trades book

1104 Annotated bibliography of mungbean yellow mosaic virus mungbean virus Vigna radiata pathogen plant resistance disease management yield loss epidemiology book avrdc library bibliography series 6

13614 Anthropological and socioeconomic characterization of selected indigenous farming communities in the Bicol Region Volume I-IV anthropology; socioeconomic characterization; indigenous farming communities; Bicol Region book

1169 Anticorruption policy: Description and answers to frequently asked questions. corruption policy book

3097 APEC Workshop on Innovative Agricultural Technology Transfer and Extension System for Enhancing Productivity and Competitiveness in APEC Member : Economies. agricultural technology transfer agricultural development rural innovation agricultural extension ICT book

895 Aphid antagonists : Proceedings of a meeting of the EC Experts' Group Protici, Italy, Nov 23-24, 1982 biological control aphid predators aphid parasites entomopathogenic fungi aphid antagonism

Cavalloro, R. (ed.)
