List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
678 Applications of genetic engineering to crop improvement nitrogen fixation photosynthesis seed quality stress tolerance disease resistance secondary products tissue culture genetic engineering

Collins, G.B.; Petolino, J.G. (eds.)


218 Applied food marketing research and related training China Thailand Malaysia India Bhutan Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Korea marketing research food marketing book

1451 Applied marketing research for data-based marketing decisions. marketing research product positioning research qualitative research advertising pricing

Roberto, Eduardo L.


3035 Applying photosynthesis research to improvement of food crops. plant leaf development lupins legume productivity intellectual property management translational research biosafety germplasm banks Rubisco activity

Jill E. Gready; Simon A. Dwyer; John R. Evans


2820 Approach to sustainable forestry of indigenous tree species in Northeast Thailand. forest management indigenous tree species coppicing teak plantations soil improvement wood processing industry forest plantation cooperatives

Noda, Iwao; Vacharangkura, Tosporn; Himmapan, Woraphun (eds.)

book jircas working report no. 74

975 Approaches to research on draught animal power in Indonesia, Ethiopia and Australia draught animals land preparation linear programming vertisols buffalo animal health rice bran diet energy metabolism

Petheram, R.J.; Gpe, M.R.; Abiye Astatke


1147 Appropriate agricultural intensification of rainfed areas: Experiences from Asia rainfed upland technology

Sajise, Percy E.; Sajise, Asa Jose U.


1153 Appropriate agricultural intensification of rainfed areas: Experiences from Asia rainfed technology adoption

Sajise, Percy E.; Sajise, Asa Jose U.


505 Appropriate energy sources for rural areas : Report of an APO study meeting, Aug 2-9, 1994, Manila, Philippines energy sources rural areas biomass energy agro-industry energy conservation book

1288 Appropriate post-harvest technologies for horticultural crops in Asia. postharvest handling government quality book