List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2629 Agroforestry and land use in the Philippines natural resources management forestry agroforestry deforestation forest land use tree farming tree growing motivation watershed watershed management climate change carbon emissions carbon sequestration environmental services carbon stocks measurement trade-off policies

Baguinon, Nestor T..; Lasco, Rodel D.; Macandog, Damasa B.; Pasicolan, Paulo N.; Villancio, Virgilio T.


492 Agroforestry development in Kenya: Proceedings 2nd Kenya National Seminar on Agroforestry Nairobi Kenya Nov 7-16, 1988 agroforestry development research and development extension activities education training Kenya

Kilewe, A.M.; Kealey, K.M.; Kebaara, K.K. (eds.)


2168 Agroforestry extension manuals : A survey of their use in Kenya. agroforestry extension training evaluation survey manuals extension materials extension service target groups cost sharing

Muturi, Stachys N.


918 Agroforestry for improved land use: ICRAF's medium-term plan 1994-1998 agroforestry multipurpose tree improvement training resource allocation impact analysis planning book

14342 Agroforestry for sustainable mountain management in Southeast Asia agroforestry; sustainable mountain management; agroforestry development; Southeast Asia

Do Trong Hoan; Catacutan, Delia C.; Nguyen Tien Hai

book world agroforestry centre policy brief no. 69

487 Agroforestry in dryland Africa agroforestry participatory planning fallows alley cropping contour vegetation conservation measures extension

Rocheleau, D.; Weber, F.; Field-Juma, A.


13860 Agroforestry in rice-production landscapes in Southeast Asia - A practical manual rice production; climate change; agroforestry; agroforestry; participatory landscape appraisal; value chain; surveys; seeds; seedlings; farmers; pest control; weed control; fertilization; irrigation; thinning; pruning; coppicing; harvesting; post-harvesting; monitoring and evaluation; advisory services; knowledge transfer; technology transfer; farmer field school book

14346 Agroforestry in Southeast Asia: Bridging the forestry-agriculture divide for sustainable development agroforestry; forestry; tree cover; agriculture; sustainable development goals; Southeast Asia

van Noordwijk, Meine

book world agroforestry centre policy brief no. 67

14344 Agroforestry in the uplands of Southeast Asia agroforestry; soil and water conservation; smallholders; uplands; policy; extension services; farmers groups; learning centers; livelihoods

Roshetko, James M.; Merado, Agustin Jr.; Martini, Endri; Prameswari, Diana

book world agroforestry centre policy brief no. 77

14341 Agroforestry on peatlands: Combining productive and protective functions as part of restoration agroforestry; peatlands; peatland management; restoration; Southeast Asia

Widayati, Atiek ; Tata, Hesti Lestari; van Noordwijk, Meine

book world agroforestry centre (icraf) policy brief no. 70