List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
661 An introduction to agricultural engineering farm equipment angles areas speed ratio power measurement irrigation water measurement land survey water runoff animal waste management

Roth, L.O.; Crow, F.R.; Mahoney, G.W.A.


1898 An introduction to coastal resource management for local government officials and community organizers. coastal resource management monitoring evaluation planning legislation research protected areas resource generation community organizer fisheries code book

15 An Introduction to Human Ecology Research on Agricultural Systems in Southeast Asia. human ecology farming systems South East Asia ecosystem rain forest agroecosystems human population

Rambo, A.T.; Sajise, P.E. (eds.)


2179 An introduction to resource valuation : The Philippine context. environment government policies environmental deterioration economic growth resource depletion resource valuation cost and benefit analysis book

680 An introduction to seed technology seed quality seed industry harvesting drying germination processing agronomy pollination certification legislation moisture content

Thomson, J.R.


441 An introduction to the study of insects insects anatomy animal physiology metamorphosis behavior ecology insects Phylum Arthropoda Hexapoda Apterygota Odonata Orthoptera Dermaptera Isoptera Embioptera Diptera

Borror, Donald J.; De Long, Dwight M.; Triplehorn, C.A.


2479 An introductory training manual on village organizations for integrated watershed management in Pakistan. integrated watershed management

Rafiq Ahmed; Tariq Nazir


2761 An investigation of land cover and land use change in Stung Chrey Bak catchment, Cambodia. land use land cover forest cover remote sensing geographic information systems rice land conversion irrigation

Sopheak, Chann; Wales, Nathan; Frewer, Tim

book cdri working paper series no. 53

1758 An organizational performance assessment system for agricultural research organizations : Concepts, methods, and procedures. agriculture evaluation human resources management methods planning project evaluation research institutions

Peterson, Warren; Gijsbers, Govert; Wilks, Michele

book isnar research management guidelines no. 7

14422 An overview of agricultural pollution in the Philippines - Summary report 2016 agriculture; agri-pollution; agricultural development policies; crops; livestock; fisheries; rice; white corn; yellow corn; sugarcane; banana; pineapple; fertilizer application; farming systems; pesticide application; animal wastes; slaughterhouses book