ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13167 | Adapting and living below 2 degrees Celsius - Outcomes of the 5th Asia Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum | climate change; adaptation; information and knowledge sharing; capacity building; technology; private sector | book |
2583 | Adaptive capacity of households and institutions in dealing with floods in Chiang Mai, Thailand. | adaptation behaviors adaptive capacity government community organizations floods flood damage | Jarungrattanapong, Rawadee; Manasboonphempool, Areeya |
book | eepsea research report no. 2011-rr2 |
2582 | Adaptive capacity of households, community organizations and institutions for extreme climate events in the Philippines. | adaptation behaviors typhoon Local Government Units community organizations | Peñalba, Linda M.; Elazegui, Dulce D. |
book | eepsea research report no. 2011-rr3 |
13663 | ADB and the climate investment funds: Climate change innovation and action in Asia and the Pacific | climate investment fund; climate change; financing | book |
13150 | Addressing Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND) and other transboundary diseases for improved aquatic animal health in Southeast Asia | aquatic animal diseases; penaeid shrimps; shrimp farming; aquatic animal health; transboundary diseases; Cambodia; Indonesia; Japan; Lao PDR; Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Vietnam | book |
14409 | Addressing forest governance challenges in the Greater Mekong Subregion - Policy brief | forests; forest governance; planning; decision making | book |
2993 | Addressing the job challenge toward inclusive growth. | macroeconomic trends labor policy inclusive growth gross domestic product global and regional development | book |
1228 | Administrative Order No.03, Series of 1996 : Reconveyance of properties turned-over to DAR pursuant to E.O. no.407/448 and lands voluntarily offered under section 19 of R.A. no.6657 but found to be outside the coverage of CARP. | Reconveyance of properties turned-over to DAR pursuant to E.O. no.407/448 and lands voluntarily offered under section 19 of R.A. no.6657 but found to be outside the coverage of CARP. | lands | book |
1229 | Administrative Order No.04, Series of 1996 : Rules and regulations governing the issuance of CARP beneficiary certificates (CBCs) to indigenous cultural communities and peoples pursuant to section 9 of Republic Act no.6657. | Rules and regulations governing the issuance of CARP beneficiary certificates (CBCs) to indigenous cultural communities and peoples pursuant to section 9 of Republic Act no.6657. | ancestral lands indigenous community | book |
1230 | Administrative Order No.05, Series of 1996 : Rules and procedures governing the issuance of identification cards (IDs) to all agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBS) with registered EP, CLOA, homestead patent, and leasehold contract. | Rules and procedures governing the issuance of identification cards (IDs) to all agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBS) with registered EP, CLOA, homestead patent, and leasehold contract. | agrarian reform | book |