List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13167 Adapting and living below 2 degrees Celsius - Outcomes of the 5th Asia Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum climate change; adaptation; information and knowledge sharing; capacity building; technology; private sector book

2583 Adaptive capacity of households and institutions in dealing with floods in Chiang Mai, Thailand. adaptation behaviors adaptive capacity government community organizations floods flood damage

Jarungrattanapong, Rawadee; Manasboonphempool, Areeya

book eepsea research report no. 2011-rr2

2582 Adaptive capacity of households, community organizations and institutions for extreme climate events in the Philippines. adaptation behaviors typhoon Local Government Units community organizations

Peñalba, Linda M.; Elazegui, Dulce D.

book eepsea research report no. 2011-rr3

13663 ADB and the climate investment funds: Climate change innovation and action in Asia and the Pacific climate investment fund; climate change; financing book

13150 Addressing Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease (AHPND) and other transboundary diseases for improved aquatic animal health in Southeast Asia aquatic animal diseases; penaeid shrimps; shrimp farming; aquatic animal health; transboundary diseases; Cambodia; Indonesia; Japan; Lao PDR; Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Vietnam book

14409 Addressing forest governance challenges in the Greater Mekong Subregion - Policy brief forests; forest governance; planning; decision making book

2993 Addressing the job challenge toward inclusive growth. macroeconomic trends labor policy inclusive growth gross domestic product global and regional development book

1228 Administrative Order No.03, Series of 1996 : Reconveyance of properties turned-over to DAR pursuant to E.O. no.407/448 and lands voluntarily offered under section 19 of R.A. no.6657 but found to be outside the coverage of CARP. Reconveyance of properties turned-over to DAR pursuant to E.O. no.407/448 and lands voluntarily offered under section 19 of R.A. no.6657 but found to be outside the coverage of CARP. lands book

1229 Administrative Order No.04, Series of 1996 : Rules and regulations governing the issuance of CARP beneficiary certificates (CBCs) to indigenous cultural communities and peoples pursuant to section 9 of Republic Act no.6657. Rules and regulations governing the issuance of CARP beneficiary certificates (CBCs) to indigenous cultural communities and peoples pursuant to section 9 of Republic Act no.6657. ancestral lands indigenous community book

1230 Administrative Order No.05, Series of 1996 : Rules and procedures governing the issuance of identification cards (IDs) to all agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBS) with registered EP, CLOA, homestead patent, and leasehold contract. Rules and procedures governing the issuance of identification cards (IDs) to all agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBS) with registered EP, CLOA, homestead patent, and leasehold contract. agrarian reform book