List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
926 A primer on community-based mangrove forest management Philippines, Mangrove forest, forestation, forest protection, forest resource utilization, livelihood, nongovernmental organizations, book

1512 A primer on organic-based rice-farming green manure cropping systems rice Oryza sativa organic farming organic fertilizers legumes

Pandey, R.K.


2374 A primer on participatory methods : Based on papers presented at the Fiji National Workshop on Participation, Koronivia, Fiji, 13-14 September 1995. participatory methods participatory rural appraisal rapid rural appraisal case study household survey secondary sources

Kronen, Mecki; Thorpe, Peter (eds.)

book prap report no. 2

2008 A primer on participatory surveys and appraisals in agricultural rural development : Case studies from the South Pacific 1996-1998. Case studies from the South Pacific 1996-1998. rapid rural appraisal participatory learning participatory rural appraisal electrification appraisal organic farming sweet potato production Papua New Guinea Vanuatu Tonga Samoa

Kronen, M.

book prap report no. 5

989 A primer on pork production swine production reproductive physiology selection culling animal breeding animal feeding piggery animal housing feeds sow litter boar vaccination disease prevention disease control weanlings

Argañosa, Valentino G.


1115 A primer on resource management in the Philippines: Problems and strategies Philippines rural development resource management irrigation drainage watershed management cropping systems

Sajise, Percy E.; Barroso, Antonio A.


14992 A primer on vegetable gardening vegetable gardening; harvesting; postharvest management; planting materials

Villareal, Ruben L.

book pcaarrd information bulletin no. 105

3110 A reforestation clean development mechanism project in Paraguay, implemented on the "Beneficiary Pays Principle". afforestation agroforestry reforestation book

13927 A region at risk: The human dimensions of climate change in Asia and the Pacific climate change; agriculture; marine ecosystems; human health; urban areas; security; migration; trade networks; temperature; precipitation; rainfall; tropical cyclones; hydrology; flooding risks; sea-level rise book

3034 A research compendium of rehabilitation strategies for mining and volcanic debris-Laden areas. land rehabilitation volcanic eruptions marginal areas bioengineering erosion rehabilitation mining company vegetative measure bioremediation book