List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9934 Principles of environmental science: Inquiry and applications. environment human population biomes terrestrial biomes marine ecosystems freshwater ecosystems biodiversity environmental conservation food sources nutrition agriculture health toxicology climate change environmental policy education fossil fuels nuclear power solar energy waste disposal methods toxic wastes hazardous wastes air pollution water pollution pollution control rangelands parks forests endangered species soil types land degradation demography fertility control mortality

Cunningham, W.P.; Cunningham, M.A.


10214 Principles of general chemistry. chemistry matter chemical reactions gases thermochemistry chemical bonding molecules organic compounds nuclear reactions atomic properties chemical reactions organic compounds electrochemistry radioactive decay entropy intermolecular forces

Silberberg, Martin S.


243 Principles of grain marketing: some lessons from Australian experience Grains Marketing Australia China agricultural marketing pricing quality assurance

Watson, A.S.

book aciar technical reports no.38

10570 Principles of soil dynamics. soil dynamics vibration elastic stress waves earthquake liquefaction

Das, Braja M.; Ramana, G.V.


5637 Prions: A new face of infection. protein prion animal diseases infection Kuru

Landicho, Elito Ferry

serials agriculture magazine

386 Priorities and strategies for education: A World Bank review education economic growth poverty reduction public finance investment labor market linkages book

2548 Prioritizing agricultural research for development: Experiences and lessons. agriculture rice research natural resources management PIPA IITA CIFOR ICRISAT ILRI CIMMYT ICARDA CGIAR

Raitzer, David A.; Norton, George W. (eds.)


2101 Priority setting in agricultural biotechnology research: Supporting public decisions in developing countries with the analytic hierarchy process. agriculture research management biotechnology methods research policies

Brauschweig, T.


9362 PRISM will boost rice production - Villar. Philippine Rice Information System, rice, serials agriculture magazine

2293 Private contributions towards the provision of public goods: The conservation of Thailand's endangered species. endangered species wildlife conservation contingent valuation public goods willingness to pay Thailand

Orapan Nabangchang

book research report no. 2008-rr7