ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2353 | Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Long-Term Ecological and Biodiversity Research in East Asia Region. | biodiversity biomass marine resources information management system invasive plant species national museum forest censuses conservation strategy endemic plants organic matter decomposition local government units networks | Amoroso, Victor B. |
book |
2675 | Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Long-Term Ecological and Biodiversity Research. | ecosystem services biodiversity monitoring conservation | Amoroso, Victor B. |
book |
2798 | Proceedings of The 5th International Conference of Asian Society of Agricultural Economists, 29-31 August 2005, Zahedan, I.R. Iran, . | farm investments crop rotation weed competition cattle production cost efficiency contract farming poultry sustainable agriculture extension agricultural innovations irrigation strategies marketing channels organic farming food production land and water use cotton production potato production wheat food marketing system aflatoxin pistachio WTO GATT microfinance rice production cooperatives financial liberalization food security food supply chains micro-credit agricultural credit village banking environmental services poverty alleviation education agricultural training dairy farms land use change land cover change remote sensing drought GPS precision agriculture food consumption pattern madder food prices calories buffalo poultry meat production agroforestry food subsidy tomato production social capital trade liberalizatiion poultry meat export | book |
439 | Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Insect-Plant Relationships. | Physiology Behaviour Ecology Evolution Plant resistance | Visser, J.H. |
book |
9775 | Proceedings of the 6th International Hybrid Rice Symposium. | Hybrid rice Hybrid rice breeding seed production Pyramiding genes intermittent irrigation | cd |
16347 | Proceedings of the ARF Annual Rice Science and Policy Forum 2021: Boosting Rice Yields and Farmers' Income Through Soil Health Rejuvenation | soil health; Philippines; rice forum; proceedings | book |
3099 | Proceedings of the Consultation Workshop on Market-Oriented Agricultural Extension. | market-oriented extension agricultural extension extension materials advisory services agricultural marketing | book |
629 | Proceedings of the crop-livestock systems research monitoring tour: China and Philippines | farming systems integrated farming livestock crop | book |
15229 | Proceedings of the eighth agricultural research conference in commemoration of the 90th Anniversary of Yezin Agricultural University | sustainable agriculture; agricultural economics; biotechnology; plant protection; soil and water; plant breeding; farming practices; food safety; vegetable production; yam growing; commercialization of livestock; economic structural change; rice cultivars; Pawsan rice; rice production; glucosinolate content; insecticides; spider mites; insects; cassava; leaf infection; rubber; Ralstonia solanacearum; Xanthomonas oryzae; pathogenic diversity; water use; nitrogen fertilizer management; nitrogen fertilizer application; rice genotypes; cocoon yield; maize | Nay Pyi Taw |
book |
3069 | Proceedings of the Fifth Agricultural Research Conference. | phosphorous resources intercropping system spatial variability extension services mungbean esterase isozyme variation genotype oilseed rape insect pest management Diamondback moth in vitro propagation direct induction Phalaenopsis orchid genetic diversity bacterial blight liming Rice Ufra disease eggplant rootstock mass inoculum black gram | book |