List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3399 Problems for the conservation of freshwater fish genetic resources in India, and some possible solutions

Dubey, G.P.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

8518 Problems in the small-hold banana sub-industry. banana, bugtok, sigatoka, serials agriculture magazine

4254 Problems in aquaculture and their solutions. aquaculture, ponds, fish cages, fish pens, fishkills, oxygen deficiency, temperature shock, salinity, tilapia, bangus,

Arada, M.F.

serials agriculture

3400 Problems in culturing Black Tiger Prawn (Penaeus monodon) the semi-intensive way: an Indian experience

Rajagopal, S.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

4429 Problems of biosecurity in hog farms. biosecurity, sanitation, hog farms,

Landicho, E.F.

serials agriculture

10877 Procedures for registration of technology transfer arrangements. intellectual property rights guidelines intellectual property code technology transfer policy Philippines

The ChanRobles Group

biotech psp seminar monograph no. 09-03

15215 Proceeding of the First Biennial Africa Climate Smart Agriculture Stakeholders. The conference, Accra, Ghana. 1-2 December 2020 climate smart agriculture; technologies; practices; smallholder systems; productivity; adaptation; mitigation; Africa

Fatunbi A.O.; Sarfatti P. (Eds.)


13149 Proceedings - Regional Symposium on Mapping and Assessing University-based Farmer Extension Services in ASEAN through an Agro-ecological / Organic Lens higher education; agricultural extension services; sustainable agriculture; agro-ecology; Cambodia; Indonesia; Laos; Malaysia; Myanmar; Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam book

9696 Proceedings : ASEAN Economic Cooperation : New Dynamics, New Paradigms. Malaysian economy ASEAN economic cooperation economic growth capital market globalization

Dr. Kwek Kian Teng


11254 Proceedings of a forum on gene flow among maize landraces, improved maize varieties, and teosinte: implications for transgenic maize zea mays maize Euchlaena mexicana plant breeding transgenic plants gene transfer genetic engineering Mexico CIMMYT INIFAP biotech