List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1862 Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on Development of Agribusiness and its Impact on Agricultural Production in Southeast Asia (DABIA II). agro-industrialization agribusiness economic transformation small and medium enterprises vegetables contract farming food safety wastes disposal recycling solid wastes book

928 Proceedings of the Seminar on High Value Timber Species for Plantation Establishment - Teak and Mahoganies timber species plantation management vegetative propagation teak mahogany insect pests marketing

Chan Hing Hon; Kazuma Matsumoto (eds.)

book jircas working report no.16

2341 Proceedings of the Seminars on Co-management in the Forest Context, September 23 - October 5, 1998 : 11th International Course on Local Management of Trees and Forests for Sustainable Land Use - Theme 1998: Policy and Practice in Community Forestry. forestry participatory forest management rural development natural resources forest policies protected areas plant genetic resources globalization book

3070 Proceedings of the Seventh Agricultural Research Conference. mungbean nitrogen applications sunflower arabica coffee varieties phosphorus application rhizobium inoculation Kenaf Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Disease chickpea root nodule bacterial stink bug transcriptome analysis Diallel crosses inbreds maize nitrogen stress Meedon rice germplasm fodder crops mango fruit germplasm book

608 Proceedings of the SUAN-EAPI Exploratory Workshop on Lao Agroecosystems, Vientiane, Lao PDR, 31 July -3 - August 1989 agroecosystems irrigation development agricultural development livestock development forestry research watershed land management resource analysis Lao book

15567 Proceedings of the Symposium on Retooling Agriculture Faculties for the 21st Century academic programs; curriculum; higher education; retooling; agriculture retooling; agriculture curriculum; information technology; networking; policy reforms; resource generation; Australia; Canada; Indonesia; Malaysia; Thailand; Vietnam book

3067 Proceedings of the Third Agricultural Research Conference. cropping patterns stochastic frontier production function approach crop improvement windbreak effect protocorms Dendrobium nodulation efficiency Rhizobium strain arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Sitophilus zeamais Hevea rubber Sclerotium rolfsii Rhizoctonia solani Vigna unguiculata cowpea Trichoderma harzinam ragwort flea beetle green gram light trap Insect pest control Phythophthora leaf fall disease book

11099 Proceedings of the trainer's training on biotechnology advocacy and information campaign biotechnology genetic engineering genetically modified organisms : GMOs biosafety transgenic crops biodiversity Bt corn DNA information networking education and communication tissue culture biotech

15784 Proceedings of the webinar on nature-based solutions (NbS): Working with nature to help address some of society’s most pressing challenges nature-based solutions; flood-based agriculture; marshland farming system book

15908 Proceedings of the workshop on closing the digital skills gap for the Philippines, 27 May 2019, UP Diliman analytics framework; curriculum; pedagogy; data science curricula; Philippines book