List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
835 Production of vegetables in the tropics and sub-tropics : Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Tropical Agriculture Research Tsu, Japan, September 20-22, 1989 plant production industry genetic improvement stress tolerance postharvest waterlogging watermelon production papaya ringspot virus strawberry yard long bean cucumber sweet pepper cabbage breeding book tropical agriculture research series no.23

12811 Production performance and intestinal microstructure of broiler chickens supplemented with methionine. methionine intestinal microstructure broilers small intestine hematoxylin dietary treatments production performance broiler diets

Chin Hunlay


4978 Production performance of weanling pigs fed ration with different levels of coconut oil with varying levels of fat emulsifier. Coconut oil : Animal feeding, fat emulsifier, pigs,

Miranda, Samuel C.

serials cmu journal of science

3401 Production planning aids for a modular pond system

Omojola, V.A.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

12064 Production planning in a plywood plant by linear programming. industrial management production planning plywood plant linear programming

Ung Sithan


2169 Production technologies for low-chill temperate fruits : Reports from the Second International Workshop. temperate fruits stone fruit breeding peaches nectarines pears apricot grapes chilling persimmon kiwifruit potassium chloride pollination genetic diversity flowering time fruit set floral initiation fruit quality reproductive organs Vietnam Australia Thailand book

12076 Production technology and technical efficiency of freshwater capture fisheries in Phnom Penh, Kampong Cham, and Battambang provinces, Cambodia agricultural economics technology fishing freshwater fisheries Cambodia

Hap Navy


3402 Production-related risk in rice-fish culture: a target MOTAD analysis

Israel, D.C.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

14239 Productive performance and changes in rumen characteristics of neonatal crossbred kids fed different raw milk and milk replacers neonatal crossbred kids; raw milk; milk replacers; growth performance; rumen; goat; cattle; buffalo; soybean milk; carcass; meat quality; dietary intervention; pre-weaning productive performance; post-weaning productive performance

Afonso, Armando Bau Mau


15800 Productivity and competitiveness of garlic production in Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte, Philippines Cobb-Douglas production function; domestic resource cost ratio; technical efficiency; competitiveness; productivity

Mina, Ceptryl S.; Catelo, Salvador P.; Jimenez, Carolyn D.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)