List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7297 Professor explores oyster mushroom's potential in Benguet. oyster mushroom mushroom culture Pleurotus cornucopiae Pleurotus ostreatus income Bernard Tad-awan

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

4451 Professor makes rice wine his business. indigenous wine, Tapey, rice wine, glutinous rice, fermentation, pasteurizing, packaging,

Ogbinar, A.O.

serials agriculture

12202 Profile characterization of some alfosols and ultisols in Thailand alfosols ultisols Thailand soil science

Suraphol Ratanasophon


9583 Profile of the Information and Communication Technology Capabilities of Elementary and Secondary Schools in the Philippines, 2000-2001. information and communication technology (ICT) elementary school secondary school SEAMEO INNOTECH public school and private school education survey profile Philippine schools cd

1665 Profile of the information and communication technology capabilities of elementary and secondary schools in the Philippines. communication facilities school equipment telecommunication services internet access book

842 Profiles of PCA-ARDB completed coconut researches (1972-1998) coconut cropping systems soil fertility weed management breeding genetics tissue culture pests coconut varietal improvement mineral nutrition management book

5030 Profiles: Gunung Mulu National Park, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia. Limestone caves, indigenous people, animal life, park management, serials asean biodiversity

5029 Profiles: Kerinci-Seblat National Park, Indonesia. Forest types, ethnic groups, park management, serials asean biodiversity

8799 Profiling poverty with multivariate adaptive regression splines. poverty, household poverty,

Mina, Christian

serials philippine journal of development

12812 Profit efficiency of hybrid rice production in the Central Vietnam. hybrid rice profit efficiency hunger eradication poverty reduction food security

Ho Trong Phuc
