List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15556 Productivity growth in Philippine agriculture: Total factor productivity growth in the Philippine mango and banana sub-sectors total factor productivity growth; technical efficiency; scale efficiency; technological progress; banana; mango; PGPA

Lantican, Flordeliza A.; Bathan, Bates M.; Lantican, Maximina A.; Monis, Dianne Lara L.; Lantican, Kristeen Joi G.


1551 Productivity improvement in rainfed area in Asia Bangladesh China India Indonesia Iran Korea Malaysia Mongolia Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam Rainfed farming land use planning technology transfer watershed genetically modified crops biotechnology sustainable agriculture book

1543 Productivity improvement in sugar cane plantations in Asia. Bangladesh India Indonesia Islamic Republic of Iran Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand Vietnam sugarcane industry production postharvest handling market technology book

510 Productivity measurement and analysis: Asian agriculture agricultural productivity agricultural outputs agricultural inputs book

12370 Productivity of green corn (Zea may L.) and soil quality under various tillage system. soil science green corn : Zea mays L. soil quality tillage systems

Salang, Eriberto D.


13038 Productivity of native pigs in subsistence farming and their roles in community development in Timor-Leste pig production; native pigs; management practices; pig farming

Ana Maria Da Costa Goncalves Noronha


5322 Productivity trends in rainfed upland and tree cotton. Gossypium hirsutum, Gossypium arboreum, productivity trends, rainfall, rainfed, nutrient management,

Venugopalan, M.V.

serials agricultura tropica et subtropica

15062 Productivity, profitability, and energy use efficiencies of hybrid and traditional varieties of rice (Oryza sativa L.), maize (Zea mays) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) in Maliana, Bobonaro, Timor Leste rice; maize; sorghum; hybrid rice; traditional varieties; Oryza sativa; Zea mays; Sorghum bicolor; productivity; profitability; energy use; growth; yield; Timor Leste

Moniz, Agostinho C.


8784 Professional competence and professional community in Mathematics education. professional competence, education, Mathematics,

Takuya Baba

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

493 Professional education in agroforestry: Proceedings of an International Workshop Education Agroforestry

Zulberti, E. (ed.)
