List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1509 Progress in irrigated rice research Irrigated rice Research Farms Water supply Water use Yield Rice production book

137 Progress in land evaluation Netherlands Land appraisal Soil survey Land evaluation

Haans, J.C.F.M.; Steur, G.Gl.; Heide, G.


16250 Progress of Mongolian microfinance: A case study of Khan Bank and XacBank microfinance; banks; credit; lending; Mongolia

Dulamragchaa, Orosoo; Izumida, Yoichi

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

9148 Progress of rural aquatic ecosystem analysis using stable isotope ratios in Japan. agricultural environment, biodiversity, land improvement,

Atsuhi Mori

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

2974 Progress Report on the Millennium Development Goals: Philippines 2010. macroeconomics development poverty hunger gender equality maternal health book

13190 Progressing towards climate resilient agriculture: Top ten success stories from CCAFS in South Asia climate-smart agriculture; crop insurance; rice cultivation; agroforestry policy; solar power; floods; drought management; food security monitoring; precision nutrient management; climate resilience; germplasm collection; weblinks

4172 Project aims to rehabilitate banana industry in Ilocos. banana, cultivars, germplasm,

Ogbinar, A.O.

serials agriculture

10049 Project construction management. organization management decision making construction pre-planning labor relations labor unions labor practices network diagram grievances collective bargaining agreement strike manpower leveling

Fajardo, Max B. Jr.


9521 Project Management : The Managerial Process. video clips and tutorials web links study outlines quizzes project management managerial process

Clifford Gray


10546 Project management. project management planning monitoring and control project completion communication conflicts

Cronenbroeck, Wolfgang
