List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1838 Production and utilization of true potato seed in Asia : Proceedings of the international workshop held at the Central Potato Research Station in Modipuram, India, January 21-30, 1995. true potato seed plant production uses seedling transplants seedling tubers technology transfer

Upadhya, M.D.; Hardy, B.; Gaur, P.C.; Ilangantileke, S.G. (eds.)


6910 Production factors of paecilomyces lilacinus a nematode parasite fungus in culture broth. paecilomyces lilacinus

Suebsak Sontirat

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

5866 Production guide for malunggay. malunggay Moringa spp. climate and soil requirements field preparation selection of variety direct seeding transplanting seedling production stem cuttings fertilizer application irrigation weed control pests and disease control pruning harvesting seed storage seed collection serials agriculture magazine

4665 Production management of fruiting pummelo trees. Citrus maxima, pummelo, pruning, fertilizer application, weed control, drainage, irrigation, integrated pest management, replanting, flower induction, fruit thinning, fruit size, fruit propping,

Pamplona, P.

serials agriculture

12281 Production management studies on pole snap beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Eastern Ifugao horticulture snap beans Phaseolus vulgaris Ifugao Philippines

Comaad, Elmer


12587 Production of biodegradable plastic through blending thermoplastic sago starch with compatibilized linear low density polyethylene. biodegradable plastic sago starch thermoplastic tensile strength synthetic plastic polymer maleic anhydride Penicillium sp. Aspergillus niger

Christianty, Maria Ulfa


7373 Production of Cellulose and Xylan Degrading Enzymes by Aspergillus fumigatus Fresenius No. 4-45-IF Using Agricultural Wastes as Substrate. cellulose-degrading enzymes, xylan-degrading enzymes, utilization of agricultural wastes, aspergillus fumigatus, solid substrate fermentation,

Vichien Kitpreechavanich

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

7609 Production of cloned Asian elephant embryos using an interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer (iSCNT) technique. Asian elephant fibroblast, rabbit cytoplast, Elephas maximus, nocodazole, cloned embryos,

Anucha Sathanawongs

serials the kasetsart journal

6775 Production of corn-based breakfast cereal by twin screw extruder. corn-based breakfast cereal extruded breakfast cereal defatted soyflour corn grit twin screw extruder

Pracha Boonyasirikool; Chulaluk Charunuch

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6732 Production of crossbred sheep in Thailand. production crossbred sheep

Wanee Chaiwatanasin; Somchai Chantsavang; Bundit Thanintarathratharn

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science