List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1628 Proceedings of the International Seminar on Conservation of Agricultural Produce Through Postharvest Science and Technology (CAP-POST). Postharvest technologies perishable crops horticultural crops high temperature stress postharvest diseases biological control marketing postharvest handling chilling injury quarantine requirements cool storage meat handling cutflowers land rehabilitation hillside farming systems book

2563 Proceedings of the International Seminar on Experiences in Sustainable Agriculture in Southeast Asia : Innovative Approach to Sustainable Agriculture. sustainable agriculture technology coastal area marginal area highland cooperatives land rehabilitation environment management land use book

1624 Proceedings of the international seminar on Japan-Southeast Asian agricultural research cooperation : Past accomplishments and future needs (JSARC). Agricultural development agricultural research cooperation research needs vegetable production land use patterns land degradation

Aran Patanothai (ed.)


15054 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers - Unlocking the potential of agricultural innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals family farming; smallholders; agricultural innovation systems; Sustainable Development Goals; family farmers; youth

Ruane, J. (ed.)


2096 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Sustainable Development of Chilika Lagoon, 12-14 December 1998. Chilika Lake salinity hydrodynamics water quality phytoplankton sediment flow environmental monitoring sustainable development water resources management flowering plants weed ecology ecobiology plant resources migratory bird herpetofauna fishes environmental geomorphology remote sensing wetland conservation eco-development community based ecotourism conservation community participation waterfowl infrastructure development book

15589 Proceedings of the Launch Workshop of the Agricultural Transformation and Market Integration in the ASEAN Region: Responding to Food Security and Inclusiveness Concerns market integration; food security; ASEAN book

837 Proceedings of the Mungbean Meeting 90 Held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, February 23-24, 1990. plant production mungbean blackgram cultivars utilization soil science plant physiology farming systems genetic resources plant breeding plant protection

Thavarasook, C. (ed.)


1349 Proceedings of the National Science and Technology Week Celebration. fisheries integrated pest management research and development book book series no.98/90

15782 Proceedings of the Parallel Session on the Regional Implications of the Philippine Rice Tariffication Law rice tariffication law; rice tariff; Philippines book

15602 Proceedings of the Regional Consultation on Engaging with Academia and Research Institutions (ARIs) to Support Family Farmers and Food System Transformation During and Post COVID-19 Pandemic in Asia sustainable food systems; agroecology; pandemic; COVID-19; ARIs; Academia and Research Institutions; family farming book