ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15603 | Proceedings of the First International Conference on School-Plus-Home Garden cum Biodiversity Enhancement Enterprise (SHGBEE1) | biodiversity; home gardens; school gardens; tourism | book |
15570 | Proceedings of the First National Congress on Philippine Lakes | policy issues; lake management; water ecosystems; lakes; Philippines | book |
15597 | Proceedings of the Forum on Organic and Inorganic Farming | organic farming; inorganic farming | book |
1860 | Proceedings of the Fourteenth ASEAN Seminar on Grain Postharvest Technology, Manila, Philippines, 5-8 November, 1991. | grain industry storage drying sundrying computer applications postproduction postharvest handling threshing thresher dryer fumigation soybean maize mold inhibitors aflatoxin methyl bromide pyrethroid organophosphates | Naewbanij, J.O.; Manilay, A.A. (eds.) |
book |
3068 | Proceedings of the Fourth Agricultural Research Conference in Commemoration of the Ruby Jubilee of Yezin Agricultural University. | soil-N supplying capacity seed tuber sesame cultivars windbreak effect rainfall analysis cyst nematode angular leaf spot early blight fungicides late blight Solanum tuberosum L. varietal resistance mycelial growth non-chemical weed control onion umbels bulblet multiplication easter lily cotton key pests neem oil palm | book |
613 | Proceedings of the fourth international forum on soil taxonomy and agrotechnology transfer | soil agrotechnology transfer physiography geology climate Malaysia Thailand landuse planning soil and water conservation soil survey rice production soil taxonomy | book |
1260 | Proceedings of the IGES/NIES Worshop on GHG Inventories for Asia-Pacific Region. | gas emissions methane land use solid wastes wastewater handling | Macandog, D.M. (ed.) |
book |
8348 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Econutrition: the Nexus among Human Nutrition, Ecology, Agriculture, and Economics. | econutrition nutrition health food | Mariano, Recelyn B. |
serials | journal of human ecology |
3162 | Proceedings of the International Conference on Livelihood Development and Sustainable Environmental Management in the Context of Climate Change. | community development ethnic minority climate change environment management public health household economic development high-tech agriculture IT application natural disasters | book |
15596 | Proceedings of the International Conference on School Gardens: Leveraging the Multifunctionality of School Gardens | school garden; households; communities; agrobiodiversity; children; school gardening; school plus home garden; food and nutrition education; education curriculum; school feeding; Indonesia; Nepal; Sri Lanka; Philippines | book |