List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
72 Proceedings of Workshop on Economic-cum-Environmental Planning. environmental planning economic planning health policy framework Asia Malaysia book

1975 Proceedings of Workshop on Heat-Tolerance of Crops. heat tolerance vegetables legumes physiology fruits longan mango photosynthesis proline betaine groundnut Brassica oleracea

Yajima, M.; Hayashi, T. (eds.)

book jircas working report no. 14

1932 Proceedings: 1st Regional Consultation-Conference on Cordillera Highland Integrated Water Resources Management (CHINWAREM). water resources management watershed inland fisheries land reforms water conservation environmental accounting Cordillera Administrative Region SIBAT DILG-GTZ Plan International Philippines

Merestela, Tessie M.Siano, Jariet M.; Naje, Flordeliza O.; Consolacion, Cheryl C.


1931 Proceedings: 2nd Regional Consultation-Conference on Cordillera Highland Integrated Water Resources Management (CHINWAREM). water resources management water quality inland freshwater resources information system sanitation NIFTDC Cordillera Administrative Region DENR DILG-GTZ Ifugao Province Kalinga Benguet Province Abra Province Philippines

Merestela, Tessie M.; Naje, Flordeliza O.; Siano, Jariet M.


13619 Proceedings: ADAPT Asia-Pacific Second Annual Meeting climate change book

1901 Proceedings: National Rice Summit, PSSC Auditorium, Commonwealth Ave., Diliman, Quezon City, 28-29 May 2003. rice trade liberalization marketing seed intellectual property rights income extension technologies gender biofortification aerobic rice government program book

1263 Proceedings: Symposium on Sustainable Agricultural Development of Mt. Pinatubo-affected Areas. volcanic ash sweet potato lahar rehabilitation book

29 Proceedings: World Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovative Change. entrepreneurship technological changes education theory venture capital networking book

49 Process documentation and analysis of the First Phase of the Development Action Program of the Bais Bay Basin, Philippines. natural resources community development watershed protection Philippines biodiversity restoration marine resource assessment water systems improvement agricultural productivity farming systems

Walters, B.B.

book ermp reports, 11

4097 Process makes swine wastewater environmentally friendly. swine wastewater, fertilizer, phosphorus, serials agriculture