List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
118 Project management: how to make it work project management quantitative planning project environment industrial project management personnel management

Martin, Charles C.


10630 Project management: The managerial process. organization strategy project selection risk management outsourcing project monitoring leadership

Larson, Erik W.; Gray, Clifford F.


9948 Project management: The managerial process. project management organization strategy project selection organizational structure time management risk management leadership teams performance measurement project audit

Gray, Clifford F.; Larson, Erik W.


7224 Project teaches school kids to plant and eat vegetables. vegetable gardening schools East-West Seed

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

13609 Projected climate change impacts on Philippine marine fish distributions climate change; Philippine seas; habitats; mapping; anchovies; mackerels; sardines; scads; tuna; squids; pelagics; demersals

Geronimo, Rollan C.


1453 Projecting the demand. demand projection method logarithm

Muro, Vicente


15024 Prolific millennial farmer finds further success in inspiring viewers on social media millennial farmer; social media; Costales Nature Farms; farm tourism; farming; vlog

Tan, Yvette

serials agriculture magazine

5014 Promising cabbage and cauliflower lines for the lowlands. Crop husbandry, seedling establishment, land preparation, transplanting, fertilization, irrigation, pest control, harvesting, varieties, income,

Mapa, Segundo

serials agriculture

8676 Promising new inbred rice bared. rice,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

5939 Promising new species for inland aquaculture. aquaculture species white shrimp redclaw crayfish Basa catfish

Provido, Noel T.

serials agriculture magazine