ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7293 | Prospects for organic aquaculture in Asia. | organic aquaculture natural medicines environmental impact INFOFISH Common Fund for Commodities FAO | Abello, Melpha M. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
15436 | Prospects for transitioning from a linear to circular economy in developing Asia | circular economy; plastics; innovations; business cases; Asia | Arthur, Linda; Hondo, Derek; Kohonen, Reetta; Hughes, Maria (Eds.) |
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3773 | Prospects of freshwater clam farming. | clams, Corbicula manillensis, | Guerrero, Rafael D. III |
serials | agriculture |
15517 | Prospects of nanotechnology in Indonesia's food and agriculture sector: From laboratory to industry | nanotechnology; food; agriculture; regulation; policy; sustainability; Indonesia | Solikhin, Achmad; Fachruddin, Achmad; Pakusadewo, Baskoro; Kurniawan, Tegar; Anbumozhi, Venkatachalam |
book | searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2023-1 |
5119 | Prospects of quality-assured lumber for construction applications in the Philippines | stress-graded lumber, construction, timber, lumber, | Soriano, Florence P. |
serials | fprdi journal |
14752 | Prosperity in place: Meaningful work for mobile youth that enhances forest landscapes | forestry; migration; youth employment | Macqueen, D.; Campbell, J. |
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4966 | Protected areas training needs : Lessons from the Philippines. | Lessons from the Philippines. | Training needs, protected areas, training, training facilities, | Rogers, Patrick M. |
serials | asean biodiversity |
2619 | Protected cultivation of high-value vegetable crops in the Philippines. | protected cultivation greenhouse design and construction high-value vegetables benefits close-ground cover mulch raised beds soilless culture trellises geofibers | book | pcarrd book series no. 178/2009 |
16618 | Protecting crops through plant diversity | agriculture; organic agriculture; agronomy; decision support; food; land-use planning; tree; biodiversity; sustainable development; ecology; ecotechnology; environment; farm operation; France; biological control; pest control; grazing; landscape; pesticide; plantation; public policy; grassland; crop production; harvest; cropping system; valorization; vegetation | Tibi, Anais; Martinet, Vincent; Vialatte, Aude (Eds.) |
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2967 | Protecting Filipino heritage : Laws and initiatives for the preservation of cultural property in the Philippines. | cultural properties Filipino heritage movable cultural property Philippine National Museum | book |