ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
12645 | Quality analysis of brown rice using computer vision system. | brown rice computer vision system quality analysis | Tuates, Andres Morales Jr. |
theses |
3828 | Quality and acceptability of flavored milk drinks from a skim milk-coconut milk blend. | Coconut milk, low-fat filled milk, microbiological quality, sensory evaluation, consumer's acceptability, | Davide, Clara L. |
serials | the philippine journal of coconut studies |
12487 | Quality and microstructure of meat and veisceral organs of native chicken given ration added with papaya (Carica papaya) leaves. | native chicken papaya leaves microstructure of meat visceral organs sensory characteristics ration liver kidney pathological changes | Armando Bau Mau Afonso |
theses |
759 | Quality and price determinants of secondary crops in Indonesia | maize soybean groundnut marketing system price determinants quality standards | Altemeier, Klaus; Bottema, J.W.T.; Adinugroho, B.; Daris, N. |
book | cgprt working paper series no.1 |
7614 | Quality and quantity of protein in certain kinds of edible mushroom in Thailand. | mushroom, nutritional value, protein digestibility corrected amino acid (PDCAAS), corrected protein efficiency ratio (C-PER), net protein utilization (NPU), biological value, true digestibility, | Yaovadee Cuptapun |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
836 | Quality assurance in agricultural produce : Proceedings of the 19th ASEAN/1st APEC Seminar on Postharvest Technology, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam | quality assurance fruit quality grain quality vegetables postharvest | Johnson, G.I.; Le Van To; Nguyen Duy Due; Webb, M.C. |
book | aciar proceedings no.100 |
1689 | Quality assurance in marketing of fresh horticultural produce : Proceedings of the 1st International Postharvest Horticulture Conference 2001. | food safety postharvest biotechnology agricultural ethics international standards molecular cloning solo papaya pineapple mango refrigerated transport Colletotrichum gloeosporiodes hot water treatment cutflowers methylcyclopropene vegetables cassava plastic packaging agribusiness market development packaging ripening | Esguerra, E.B.; Maunahan, M.V.; Bautista, O.K. (eds.) |
book |
4999 | Quality changes of sardines (Sardinella neopilchardus) at Indonesian ambient temperature | sardines, spoilage, demerit point score, TVB-N, | Ariyani, Farida |
serials | indonesian journal of agricultural science |
5598 | Quality coffee: Results from good farming practices to processing. | coffee harvesting postharvest treatment roasting | serials | agriculture magazine |
5165 | Quality control for commercial compost in Korea | composting, agricultural by-products, forestry by-products, livestock manure, municipal wastes, industrial wastes, commercial compost, quality control, | Myung Ho Um |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 503 |