ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14031 | Quantitative differentiation of color morphology in the colonial coral Montipora capitata | Montipora capitata; coral; color morphs; stress; light | Hobbs, Caroline; Conetta, Dennis; Caruso, Carlo; Rocha de Souza, Mariana; Gates, Ruth |
serials | tropical resources |
12814 | Quantitative microbiological risk assessment of non-typhoidal Salmonella in pork belly under Philippine setting. | microbiological risk assessment Salmonella pork pathogenesis risk characterization hazard characterization food safety foodborne diseases | Sabiniano, Jonathan V. |
theses |
6621 | Quantitative risk assessment of salmonella spp. in fermented pork sausage (nham). | QMRA risk assessment salmonella spp. fermented pork sausage nham | Sukhuntha Osiriphun; Adisak Pongpoolponsak; Kooranee Tuitemwong |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
5234 | Quantity and distribution of plant nutrients on eutrophication in Bang Pra reservoir, Chonburi Province. | eutrophication, plant nutrients, phytoplankton, reservoir, Thailand, | Chaichana, R. |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
11514 | Quasi-static mechanical properties of coconut (Cocos nucifera, Linn.) shell of husked mature nut. | agricultural engineering Cocos nucifera coconut shell nuts Philippines | Sudaria, Eutiquio E. |
theses |
4263 | QuEChERS method catches pesticide residues. | pesticide residues, dispersive solid-phase extraction, | serials | agriculture |
13499 | Queen pineapple wastes: Available feed supplement for native chickens | pineapple; feed supplements; native chickens; queen pineapple bran | Domingo, Ofelia F. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9558 | Queensland Communication and Information Strategic Plan 1999 - 2004. | communication technology information age Queensland strategic plan digital global economy electronic service delivery community and business development | cd |
15914 | Queering solidarity: Civil society at the fringes of ASEAN regionalism and alternatives for the LGBTQ+ | alternatives; civil society; LGBTQ+; queer; alternative regionalism | Aban, Ananeza P.; Sy, Jose Monfred C. |
serials | philippine journal of public policy (pjpp) |
8681 | Quest to save Ludong continues. | ludong, fish, spawning, | Prudencio, Max |
serials | agriculture magazine |