ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7080 | Quality seeds and irrigation: Keys to rice self-sufficiency. | seed quality irrigation | Manalo, Jaime A. IV |
serials | agriculture magazine |
13435 | Quality seeds plus hard work for success | seeds; rice farming; Minus-One Element Technique; rice straw | Frediles, Christina |
serials | agriculture magazine |
3592 | Quantification of effect of temperature and air-drying treatment in paddy soils on mineralization of soil organic nitrogen | Paddy soils, Organic matter, | Shigeru Takahashi |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
7964 | Quantification of public goods provided by agriculture. | public goods provided, by-product, willingness to pay, open landscape, environmental regulation cost, | Plankl, Reiner |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
3405 | Quantifying gregarine infestation of Penaeus vannamei on a commercial shrimp farm and some attempts at treatment | Miller, D.J. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
2846 | Quantifying yield gaps and abiotic stresses in rain-fed production systems of Thailand. | rainfed production maize peanut soybean yield gap analysis | Banterng, P.; Hoogenboom, G.; Singh, P.; Pathak, P.; Wani, S.P.; Patanothai, A.; Tongpoonpol, S. |
book | global theme on agroecosystems report no. 45 |
10508 | Quantitative analysis for management. | quantitative analysis regression models forecasting linear programming network models project management simulation modeling statistical quality control Game Theory Markov Analysis | Render, Barry; Stair, Ralph M. Jr.; Hanna, Michael E. |
purch |
10082 | Quantitative analysis for management. | Game Theory probability Decision Theory forecasting inventory control models linear programming integer programming network models project management simulation modeling Markov Analysis statistical quality control Queuing System | Render, B.; Stair, R.M. Jr.; Hanna, M.E. |
purch |
4747 | Quantitative analysis of groundwater effluent and reservoir-water influent in a small pond using 222Rn- and water-balance equations. | agricultural engineering, stagnant film, reservoir-water influent, groundwater effluent, | Hiromasa Hamada |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
400 | Quantitative analysis of organic mixtures : Part 1: General principles. | analytical method organic mixtures analytical method acidic substances basic substances | Ma. T.S.; Lang, Robert E. |
book |