List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1686 R&D milestones: Crops, Vol. 3. coconut corn fruits industrial crops legumes ornamental horticulture medicinal plants rice root crops sugarcane vegetable crops technology

Faylon, P.S. (ed.)


1687 R&D milestones: Forestry and environment, Vol. 4. agroforestry multipurpose trees shrubs bamboo rattan environmental management forest plants protected areas wildlife wood production technology

Faylon, P.S. (ed.)


1685 R&D milestones: Livestock, Vol. 2. poultry ruminants swine technology

Faylon, P.S. (ed.)


1688 R&D milestones: Socioeconomics, Vol. 5. agriculture resource economics rural sociology technology management

Faylon, P.S. (ed.)


1719 R&D status and directions (2000 and beyond): Abaca. abaca production consumption exports industry technology researches institutional capability R&D gaps

Abaca R&D Team


1715 R&D status and directions (2000 and beyond): Agricultural ecosystem. soil resources water resources biological resources technology projects R&D technology forecasts sustainable agriculture information systems agroecosystems management

National Agricultural Ecosystem R&D Team


1682 R&D status and directions (2000 and beyond): Agricultural engineering. agricultural machinery agricultural mechanization policies import export projects R&D gaps R&D directions technology forecasts

National Agricultural Engineering R&D Team


1683 R&D status and directions (2000 and beyond): Agriculture and resource economics. R&D network funding research grants research programs

National Agriculture and Resource Economics R&D Team


1718 R&D status and directions (2000 and beyond): Agroforestry and multipurpose trees and shrubs. agroforestry agrisilvicultural system silvipastoral system agrisilvipastoral system projects technology assessment tools institutional capability R&D gaps

Agroforestry and Multipurpose Trees and Shrubs R&D Team


1716 R&D status and directions (2000 and beyond): Applied rural sociology. poverty incidence R&D network R&D programs R&D gaps

Applied Rural Sociology R&D Team
