List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2873 Public-private community based institutions partnership: An approach towards sustainable agricultural and rural development : Report of the 30th RECA seminar held on 6-19 July 2008, Tokyo, Japan. rural development sustainable agriculture farmers' associations book

13742 Public-private partnership systems in the Republic of Korea, the Philippines, and Indonesia public-private partnership systems; policy; government support; Republic of Korea; Philippines; Indonesia

Kang-Soo Kim; Min-Woong Jung; Mee-Soo Park; Yoo-Eun Koh; Jin-Oh Kim

book adb economics working paper series no. 561

5723 Pumpkin power! Calculating the carotenoids in pumpkin dessert. pumpkins carotenoids supercritical fluid extraction serials agriculture magazine

9220 Pumps improve the lives of poor and waterless farmer-families. hydraulic ram pump, reservoir, water outlets, agricultural extension,

Yap, Julio P. Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

323 Purchasing power parity in Asian developing countries: a co-integration test Exchange rate

Min Tang; Butiong, R.Q.

book adb statistical report series no. 17

12489 Pure and crude papain and bromelain as carabeef tenderizers. tenderizer papain bromelain carabeef sensory evaluation cooking time histological changes tenderness

Pramote Srisung


7319 Purification and Characterization of Glue Proteins Secreted from the Colleterial Glands of the Silkworm, Bombyx mori. bombyx mori colleterial glands glue proteins

Weerawan Amornsak; Okitsugu Yamashita

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

11747 Purification and removal of condensed tannins in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) (Wilczek), rice bean (Vigna umbellata Thumb.). Seeds tannins filtration protein digestibility mungbeans rice beans lablab bean Philippines Thailand

Vipa Khumda


5673 Purple tomato, anyone?. tomato hybrid serials agriculture magazine

16221 Push and pull factors in rural Filipino youth's outmigration from agricultural communities education; leavers; outmigration; return; youth

Manalo IV, Jaime A.; van de Fliert, Elske

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)