ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9776 | Promoting the Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific. | progress achievements income poverty | cd |
8556 | Promoting the nutritional benefits of quality protein corn. | corn, protein, iron, | serials | agriculture magazine |
15715 | Promotion of climate resilience for food security in ASEAN rice, maize, and cassava | maize; rice; food security; climate resilience; cassava | Sarom, Men; Leng, Sothat; Perdinan; Kartikasari, Kiki; Malahayati, Marissa; Soukkhy, Outhai; Chanthasone, Xayavong; Swe, Khin Lay; Swe, Aye Kyawt; Labios, Romeo V.; Malayang, Donna Bae N.; Chaikiattiyos, Suwit; Yoovatana, Margaret C.; Tran Cong Thang; Do |
book |
15167 | Promotion of developed postharvest technologies for sustainable community-based coffee processing enterprises | coffee; community; processing; enterprise; postharvest technologies | Martinez, Helen F.; Espiritu, Ivy V.; Medina, Melissa R. |
serials | asian journal of postharvest and mechanization |
14507 | Promotion of organic agriculture through community-based organizations in Quezon Province, Philippines | community-based organizations; contingency theory; organic agriculture; organizational analysis; system-structural perspective | de Guzman, Rowena P.; Nelson, Gloria Luz M.; Abrigo, Girlie Nora A.; Baconguis, Rowena DT. |
serials | journal of human ecology |
15642 | Promotion of sustainable aquaculture, aquatic animal health, and resource enhancement in Southeast Asia - Proceedings | sustainable aquaculture; fishes; diseases; aquatic resources | Aya, Frolan A.; de la Pena, Leobert D.; Salayo, Nerissa D.; Tendencia, Eleanor A. (Eds.) |
book |
16371 | Promotion to farmers of snow compaction (Yuki-Fumi) on winter wheat to control volunteer potatoes without depending on chemical materials | climate change adaptation; environment-friendly; physical weed control; soil frost | Shimoda, Seiji; Hirota, Tomoyoshi; Onodera, Masayuki |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
4574 | Propagation management of herbal and medicinal plants. | medicinal plants, propagation, site selection, harvesting, drying, precautions, | Principe, E.B. |
serials | rise: research information series on ecosystems |
12022 | Propagation of ilang-ilang (Cananga odorata (Lamk.) Hook. F. and Thoms. by seeds and cuttings | forestry Ilang-Ilang Cananga odorata seeds cuttings | Hoang Van Son |
theses |
6770 | Propagation of lu chu bamboo (bambusa oldhamii munro.) by culm cutting. | culm cutting node position age of culm time of cutting rooting | Nisarut Sirikulyanon; Chairerg Sagwansupyakorn; Nakorn Luangprasert |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |