List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9776 Promoting the Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific. progress achievements income poverty cd

8556 Promoting the nutritional benefits of quality protein corn. corn, protein, iron, serials agriculture magazine

15715 Promotion of climate resilience for food security in ASEAN rice, maize, and cassava maize; rice; food security; climate resilience; cassava

Sarom, Men; Leng, Sothat; Perdinan; Kartikasari, Kiki; Malahayati, Marissa; Soukkhy, Outhai; Chanthasone, Xayavong; Swe, Khin Lay; Swe, Aye Kyawt; Labios, Romeo V.; Malayang, Donna Bae N.; Chaikiattiyos, Suwit; Yoovatana, Margaret C.; Tran Cong Thang; Do


15167 Promotion of developed postharvest technologies for sustainable community-based coffee processing enterprises coffee; community; processing; enterprise; postharvest technologies

Martinez, Helen F.; Espiritu, Ivy V.; Medina, Melissa R.

serials asian journal of postharvest and mechanization

14507 Promotion of organic agriculture through community-based organizations in Quezon Province, Philippines community-based organizations; contingency theory; organic agriculture; organizational analysis; system-structural perspective

de Guzman, Rowena P.; Nelson, Gloria Luz M.; Abrigo, Girlie Nora A.; Baconguis, Rowena DT.

serials journal of human ecology

15642 Promotion of sustainable aquaculture, aquatic animal health, and resource enhancement in Southeast Asia - Proceedings sustainable aquaculture; fishes; diseases; aquatic resources

Aya, Frolan A.; de la Pena, Leobert D.; Salayo, Nerissa D.; Tendencia, Eleanor A. (Eds.)


16371 Promotion to farmers of snow compaction (Yuki-Fumi) on winter wheat to control volunteer potatoes without depending on chemical materials climate change adaptation; environment-friendly; physical weed control; soil frost

Shimoda, Seiji; Hirota, Tomoyoshi; Onodera, Masayuki

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

4574 Propagation management of herbal and medicinal plants. medicinal plants, propagation, site selection, harvesting, drying, precautions,

Principe, E.B.

serials rise: research information series on ecosystems

12022 Propagation of ilang-ilang (Cananga odorata (Lamk.) Hook. F. and Thoms. by seeds and cuttings forestry Ilang-Ilang Cananga odorata seeds cuttings

Hoang Van Son


6770 Propagation of lu chu bamboo (bambusa oldhamii munro.) by culm cutting. culm cutting node position age of culm time of cutting rooting

Nisarut Sirikulyanon; Chairerg Sagwansupyakorn; Nakorn Luangprasert

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science