List of Cds : 383

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9656 Grey Literature Database on Natural Resource Management in Tropical America. grey literature natural resource management sustainable agriculture bibliographic database non-conventional literature socioeconomic impact assessment survey and maps tropical America agroecosystems livestock production cd

9657 Health Investment for Economic Growth : Building Blocks of Pro-Poor Development. health investment economic growth poor development water sanitation hygiene cd

9445 HP SureStore CD-Writer Plus Software. corel CD-writer software print house magic adobe photo deluxe cd

9658 Human Development Report 2007/2008 : Fighting Climate Change : Human Solidarity in a Divided World. climate change human development income poverty demographic trends water and technology vehicle emission deforestation nuclear power hurricane, flood and drought carbon masses

Kevin Watkins


9748 Human Development Report 2009 Overcoming Barriers : Human Mobility and Development. cd

9659 Humanity Development Library 1.2 : For Sustainable Development and Basic Human Needs. health and technology agriculture and economy environment and natural resources community sustainable development energy and water building industry human needs cd

9574 ICARDA Annual Report, 2000. sustainable agriculture dry areas germplasm enhancement production systems management natural resource management socioeconomic and policy agroecosystems cd

9484 IDRC 2006. economics biodiversity food and agriculture health information and communication natural resources science and technology social and political sciences development and evaluation participatory plant breeding cd

9485 IDRC 2008. economics biodiversity food and agriculture health information and communication natural resources science and technology social and political sciences development and evaluation cd

9750 IDRC CRDI 2010. IDRC CRDI cd