ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9751 | IDRC CRDI 2013. | IDRC CRDI | cd |
9460 | IFPRI 2006-2007. | agricultural development water resources management quantitative livelihoods approach income diversification urban programming telecommunications land management crop biodiversity gender research bioenergy | cd |
9515 | IFPRI Research in Asia : January 2000 - August 2005. | food policy crop science Indian agriculture and irrigation food security road development poverty reduction health and nutrition roots and tubers child malnutrition green revolution | cd |
9470 | IITA Annual Report, 2000. | tropical agriculture food security income sub-saharan Africa humid and subhumid zones food systems natural resources | cd |
9471 | IITA Annual Report, 2001. | tropical agriculture food security income sub-saharan Africa humid and subhumid zones food systems natural resources integrated pest management (IPM) researches and crops | cd |
9472 | IITA Annual Report, 2002. | tropical agriculture food security starchy and grains sub-saharan Africa humid and subhumid zones food systems and cereal-legume systems natural resources and biotechnology tools integrated pest management (IPM) germplasm management genetics and crop improvement | cd |
9473 | IITA Annual Report, 2003. | tropical agriculture food security starchy and grains sub-saharan Africa humid and subhumid zones food systems and cereal-legume systems agrobiodiversity integrated pest management (IPM) germplasm management weed management and farming system | cd |
9478 | Improving Agricultural Research at Universities in Sub-Saharan Africa : A Study Guide. | agriculture cooperation management researches research institutions universities agricultural research research institutes | Heike Michelsen |
cd |
9660 | INASP : Rural Development Directory 2003/2004. | rural development rural community agriculture forestry and environment resource management sustainable development | cd |
9661 | Infopest : The complete reference of Australian registered agricultural and veterinary (Agvet) chemicals and their uses. | agriculture and veterinary chemical products chemical uses pests control environment | cd |