List of Cds : 383

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9753 International information system for the Agricultural sciences and technology, AGRIS 2003/10- 2009-06. AGRIS AGRICOLA information system agricultural science technology cd

9664 InterSard Workshops on Asia IT&C : Sharing Local Knowledge and Innovations. sustainable agriculture natural resources management information knowledge management rural development animal nutrition rice and fish culture cd

9665 Introduction to Department of Educational Technology : Faculty of Education, Kasetsart University. education technology Kasetsart university cd

9718 Introduction to Mekong Institute (GMS Leadership Development and Cooperation). Mekong Institute Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) leadership development and cooperation socio-economic development rural development education reform cd

9666 Investing in Development : A Practical Plan to Achieve the Millennium Development Goals. income poverty millennium development goals hunger disease shelter gender equality education health environment cd

9464 IPGRI Newsletter No. 42 : List of IPGRI Publications. genetic resources plant molecular biology plant genetic resources biodiversity conservation crop genetic diversity bibliographic listing cd

9551 IPGRI Newsletter No. 43 (For Asia, the Pacific and Oceania) : IPGRI Descriptors Publications. genetic resources plant molecular biology plant genetic resources biodiversity conservation crop genetic diversity cd

9667 IPGRI Newsletter No. 44 : Genetic diversity analysis with molecular marker data - learning module. genetics learning module molecular diversity and plant molecular biology plant genetic resources DNA technology biodiversity conservation education kit cd

9668 IPGRI Newsletter No. 45 to 48. plant genetic resources wild tropical fruit diversity and species plant data management system plant germplasm agricultural biodiversity food security and safety wildlife and plant conservation medicinal plants wild crop, root and tuber crops drought tolerance cd

9669 IPGRI Newsletter No. 49 to 51. plant genetic resources nutritional security plant data management system rural growth agricultural biodiversity food security and safety poverty reduction mapping, technology and communication APFORGEN forest biotechnology cd