List of Cds : 383

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9467 Regional Information System on Participatory Natural Resource Management. participatory natural resource management sustainable resource management lower Mekong basin Mekong river commission upland watershed forest management ethnic minority cd

9500 Research Management Guidelines : An Organizational Performance Assessment System for Agricultural Research Organizations : Concepts, Methods, and Procedures. Concepts, Methods, and Procedures. organizational performance assessment system agricultural research weak management performance management performance audit economic evaluation

Warren Peterson; Govert Gijsbers; Michèle Wilks


9560 Resource Assessment of Non-Wood Forest Products : Experience and Biometric Principles. publication non-wood forest products resource assessment biometric principles literature resources FAO web site cd

9468 Rice : Nutrient Disorders and Nutrient Management. rice nutrient disorders nutrient management rice ecosystems toxicity mineral deficiency

Achim Dobermann


9778 Rice Genetics V. genomics gene regulation tissue culture systems biology chromosome pairing cd

9501 Rice IPM : An Interactive Information and Identification System for Integrated Pest Management of Rice. rice statistics and rice evolution integrated pest management (IPM) pest ecology crop growth and checking pest damage rice and weeds insects and pests farmers rice diseases cd

9522 Rice is Life : Scientific Perspectives for the 21st Century. rice rice farming rice production food security globalization environmental sustainability water cd

9502 Rice Knowledge Bank Version 1.5. rice and rice production wild rice taxonomy laser leveling insect pests plant factors biological database rice information system cd

9699 Rice Knowledge Bank Version 2.2. rice rice production insect pests plant factors biological database rice information system cd

9700 Rice Literature Update : Vol. 17 No. 1 June 2009. rice plant soil water supply and management agronomy insect pests plant protection rice product farm and farming crop yield cd