ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
9467 | Regional Information System on Participatory Natural Resource Management. | participatory natural resource management sustainable resource management lower Mekong basin Mekong river commission upland watershed forest management ethnic minority | cd |
9500 | Research Management Guidelines : An Organizational Performance Assessment System for Agricultural Research Organizations : Concepts, Methods, and Procedures. | Concepts, Methods, and Procedures. | organizational performance assessment system agricultural research weak management performance management performance audit economic evaluation | Warren Peterson; Govert Gijsbers; Michèle Wilks |
cd |
9560 | Resource Assessment of Non-Wood Forest Products : Experience and Biometric Principles. | publication non-wood forest products resource assessment biometric principles literature resources FAO web site | cd |
9468 | Rice : Nutrient Disorders and Nutrient Management. | rice nutrient disorders nutrient management rice ecosystems toxicity mineral deficiency | Achim Dobermann |
cd |
9778 | Rice Genetics V. | genomics gene regulation tissue culture systems biology chromosome pairing | cd |
9501 | Rice IPM : An Interactive Information and Identification System for Integrated Pest Management of Rice. | rice statistics and rice evolution integrated pest management (IPM) pest ecology crop growth and checking pest damage rice and weeds insects and pests farmers rice diseases | cd |
9522 | Rice is Life : Scientific Perspectives for the 21st Century. | rice rice farming rice production food security globalization environmental sustainability water | cd |
9502 | Rice Knowledge Bank Version 1.5. | rice and rice production wild rice taxonomy laser leveling insect pests plant factors biological database rice information system | cd |
9699 | Rice Knowledge Bank Version 2.2. | rice rice production insect pests plant factors biological database rice information system | cd |
9700 | Rice Literature Update : Vol. 17 No. 1 June 2009. | rice plant soil water supply and management agronomy insect pests plant protection rice product farm and farming crop yield | cd |