List of Cds : 383

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9775 Proceedings of the 6th International Hybrid Rice Symposium. Hybrid rice Hybrid rice breeding seed production Pyramiding genes intermittent irrigation cd

9583 Profile of the Information and Communication Technology Capabilities of Elementary and Secondary Schools in the Philippines, 2000-2001. information and communication technology (ICT) elementary school secondary school SEAMEO INNOTECH public school and private school education survey profile Philippine schools cd

9521 Project Management : The Managerial Process. video clips and tutorials web links study outlines quizzes project management managerial process

Clifford Gray


9776 Promoting the Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific. progress achievements income poverty cd

9777 QITEP in Science Rembug Nasional. SEAMEO QITEP quality improvement of teachers educational personnel science teachers environmental education earth and space science science laboratory management ICT-base science learning capacity building networking cd

9558 Queensland Communication and Information Strategic Plan 1999 - 2004. communication technology information age Queensland strategic plan digital global economy electronic service delivery community and business development cd

9559 Recent Trends in Health Statistics in Southeast Asia 1974 - 2000. health statistics population infectious diseases nutrition environmental health socio-economic medical establishments cd

9697 ReefBase 2000 : Improving Policies for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs Version 2000. coral reefs reef base aquanaut program fish production socio economics corals fish coastal tourism mariculture production dive sites

S.G. Vergara and J.W. McManus


9488 Regional Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries in Southeast Asia. Fishing operations aquaculture fisheries management post-harvest practices fish utilization cd

9466 Regional Information System on Participatory Natural Resource Management. participatory natural resource management sustainable resource management lower Mekong basin Mekong river commission upland watershed forest management ethnic minority cd